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SIRM ITALIA: The Maritime Technology Company

Technology innovation and digital transformation are the key words in the maritime sector today. They are also the basis of our company’s vision. We are committed every day to helping our clients to launch innovative projects by identifying the solutions that best suit their specific needs, in full compliance with international industry regulations.
We are SIRM ITALIA, a startup of the HYA HOLDING constellation with 90 years of history, a partner of the most important brands in the field of GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation. Thanks to the experience of our team, we offer the best solutions in the supply, management and maintenance of electronic equipment on board ships (merchant, military and pleasure craft) and experience in the design of integrated bridges. We combine this expertise with a deep experience in providing advanced services for Satellite and Terrestrial Telecommunications, combined with Digital Transformation solutions through IT, Cloud and IoT solutions, developed in our Research and Development laboratories. GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation

SIRM OnLine Store

Visit our eStore to purchase communication and navigation products, airtime services and digital publications.

GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation

La consolidata esperienza e la competenza del nostro team di progettazione e delivery, combinata con i nostri accordi di partnership con i principali marchi internazionali del settore, ci posiziona come uno dei principali integratori di sistemi nel settore marittimo. Da una semplice stazione GMDSS integrata in una console ad un ponte integrato, selezioniamo le migliori soluzioni GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation in base alle esigenze di ogni cliente e alla loro integrazione per rispettare le severe normative internazionali.


Un partner affidabile e disponibile, sempre e in qualsiasi porto del mondo, questo è il nostro modello Worldwide GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation Support. Offriamo un unico punto di contatto per le apparecchiature GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation, in grado di garantire la massima efficienza e sicurezza della navigazione. Attraverso il nostro Centro di Coordinamento Servizi, coordinando la rete di uffici diretti in Italia e nel Regno Unito e la rete globale di partner, offriamo assistenza e ricambi per qualsiasi tipo di apparato elettronico, con il massimo impegno per risolvere al meglio le richieste di assistenza, manutenzione e supporto da parte dei nostri clienti.

worldwide Service GMDSS
gmdss Products Integrated Bridge Jrc proline products prodotti per navi commerciali GMDSS

Broadband Satellite Services (VSAT – FBB – IRIDIUM)

Per i clienti che necessitano di un servizio internet ad alte prestazioni, SIRM ITALIA offre una gamma completa di soluzioni VSAT marittime con copertura regionale o globale. SIRM ITALIA è in grado di individuare la migliore soluzione, tra quelle disponibili sul mercato in banda C, KU o KA, per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti in termini di qualità del servizio, volume di dati, servizi a valore aggiunto (Crew welfare, Ship IOT, monitoraggio remoto, videosorveglianza, aggiornamento carte digitali, cybersecurity). Con il SIRM FleetOnCloud Gateway, il canale VSAT è integrato con un canale di backup (utilizzando FBB, Iridium o Shore Based GSM) per garantire la continuità della comunicazione.


La digitalizzazione e i dati sono il nuovo motore dell’industria marittima per creare flotte più efficienti e più sicure. Le nostre soluzioni digitali aiutano le compagnie di navigazione a

  • migliorare e digitalizzare i processi
  • offrire nuovi servizi all’equipaggio (internet e multimedia)
  • aumentare la sicurezza delle comunicazioni (IMO2021)
  • gestire la flotta in modo più efficace con la soluzione Fleet Operation Center in the Cloud (FleetOnCloud).
yacht solutions airtime satcom satellitare cmap
SIRM Servizi Satellitari e GMDSS

SIRM ITALIA S.r.l.  A startup with 90 years of history

Founded in 1927 by Guglielmo Marconi, SIRM has always been synonymous with technological innovation and navigation safety. 

SIRM Italia, besides offering a complete support in terms of sales and assistance for all GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation equipment, is able to offer a wide portfolio of satellite telecommunication solutions (VSAT KU/KA, FleetXpress and FleetBroadband) integrated with Cloud based technology platforms for fleet control and monitoring, leveraging on new edge and cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

Our customers have always been our best partners with whom to develop new solutions and products to meet and exceed their needs. Innovation, flexibility and constant commitment are our mission, to offer higher and higher levels of efficiency and safety in navigation.
Our intense collaboration with shipyards and shipowners, together with our passion to respond even better to their needs, has allowed us to create a wide portfolio of solutions and services for the maritime market in the fields of GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation (VSAT KU/KA, FleetXpress and FleetBroadband, Iridium) integrated with Cloud-based technology platforms for maximum communication security (Cybersecurity IMO2021) and fleet control and monitoring, leveraging on new technologies of edge and cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Commercial Ships

navi commerciali e passeger


big Data Maritime Cloud Services Tracking and Monitoring Connected Vessel Cybersecurity Cloud Email AntiPhishing


Big Data Maritime Cloud Services Tracking and Monitoring Connected Vessel Cybersecurity Cloud Email AntiPhishing fishing vessels barche da pesca


big Data Maritime Cloud Services Tracking and Monitoring Connected Vessel Cybersecurity Cloud Email AntiPhishing yacht barche da diporto


24 hours 365 days a year for national and international support activities for GMDSS – VSAT – Broadband – Navigation.  SIRM ITALIA offers a complete support for service and continuous customer care activities to better support its customers and ships touching Italian ports.

Customer support is our passion

+39 081 5377289

+39 081 5377686

+39 010 588151

+39 081 5377201

SIRM Billing Portal

For all our Airtime customers we have created a portal with all the billing information at your fingertips (invoices, CDR, list of terminals).

airtime billing



SIRM ITALIA in the last issue of CIRM Spotlight on Ship Service

March 24th, 2020|

Covid-19, a new global crisis, unforeseeable and of unthinkable consequences, especially for a slowing economy like Italy. The role of a service company such as SIRM, is to ensure the efficient functionality of the on-board equipment [...]

SIRM Italia S.r.l. – Società a socio unico
Sede Legale: Calata San Marco, 13 – 80133 Napoli
Codice Fiscale, P.IVA e numero iscrizione Registro Imprese presso la C.C.I.A.A di Napoli: 09227111219
R.E.A. n. 1017349 – Capitale Sociale: € 50.000 I.V.
www.sirmitalia.it – PEC sirmitalia@pec.it

Need Support?

customer support 24/7 Maritime worldwide service and support GMDSS efficienza nave

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