Digital Chart Maritime e-navigation
A complete range of products and services to support navigation
As a historical distributor in the supply of both digital and paper charts and publications, SIRM ITALIA provides the most effective and up-to-date Digital Chart Maritime e-navigation products and services through a complete range of services starting from the supply and management of nautical charts and on-board publications and completed with powerful e-navigation and Marine Data Insight tools, thanks to the partnership with GNS Worldiwide. Our mission is to make the most of the potential offered by Digital Transformation to simplify on-board operations, improve navigation safety and offer powerful analysis and control tools to shipowners to make navigation more efficient, ensuring full compliance with international SOLAS regulations and flag requirements.
Digital Chart Maritime e-navigation products and services Digital Chart Maritime e-navigation products and services

Commercial and Passengers Ships

ìMilitary Ships

Yacht e Mega Yacht

VTS and Training Centers


Oil Rigs and OffShore Vessels
Digital Chart Maritime e-navigation products and services from the most reliable and complete catalogues
SIRM ITALIA solutions meet the needs of all types of ships and allow an effective distribution, updating and management process. OurDigital Chart Maritime e-navigation products and services proposal and our support services make it easier to manage the use of electronic cartography and to transform the on-board libraries in full digital mode.
SIRM ITALIA is official distributors of:

The most complete range of nautical charts and publications in digital format, with 14,750 Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) produced by the world’s leading hydrographic institutes and the digital versions of paper publications produced by UKHO – ADMIRALTY.

The Hydrographic Institute of the Italian Navy is the State Cartographic Body designated to produce the national official nautical documentation, with the systematic survey of the Italian seas – over 550,000 sq. km. of marine areas, with a coastal development of more than 7. 800 km – using specially equipped hydro-oceanographic ships of the Navy and its own expeditions, it enhances and controls the data collected to organize and finalize them for the production of nautical cartography and documentation, both traditional and electronic, and takes care of the dissemination of nautical information at national and international level, to ensure the safety of navigation.

IMO Publications include numerous Conventions, Codes, Regulations, Recommendations and Guidelines prepared by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and sold by the IMO Publication Service. Witherby Seamanship International Ltd, is a specialist publisher of maritime training, reference and regulatory materials, providing the best books and publications in the maritime industry.
Our Digital Charts Competence Center publishes a weekly update with all new charts and publications. At this link you can check the latest updates or register for our automatic sending.
SIRM ITALIA is partner for the Italian market of GNS Global Navigation Solutions, one of the world’s leading distributors of nautical charts and publications and an undisputed leader in new solutions to support e-navigation. The strategic partnership allows SIRM ITALIA to offer to its customers, at exclusive conditions and with the support provided by our experts, the entire portfolio of GNS offer and the innovative solutions of Navigation As A Service, which are revolutionizing the sector with a totally service-oriented approach for greater efficiency of services.

Navigation is part of our DNA
The Outfit Management Service is at the heart of SIRM ITALIA’s partnership approach with its customers. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of international regulations and ship requirements, we are able to offer, through our competence centre in Genoa, a continuous and flexible service that guarantees “saving” and satisfies at all times the adequacy with national and international regulations, ensuring a constant and continuous updating of nautical charts and publications on board ship.
Our integrated service ensures the management of the entire range of nautical charts, publications and data, both digital and paper, necessary for safe navigation and in compliance with SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM and Flag State regulations, always ensuring the adaptation of documentation according to the navigation area. The service offered by SIRM ITALIA is the basis of a new process of digital transition of on-board services, based on an interconnection between shore-based offices and on-board systems, in order to have a constant and continuous control over the equipment of charts and publications and their actual use, to ensure new levels of transparency, automation and security based on data, compliance, purchasing, monitoring and control.

Shipping is a 24/7/365 business, as well as our customer support
Our competence centre is able to offer assistance and support to all customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for all issues related to the updating of maps and publications and for questions concerning the voyage plan management software installed on board. The activities offered by the Digital Charts competence center staff are complemented by real-time activities for navigation management, voyage optimization, regulatory compliance, ship-to-shore communications and information security.
Data Intelligence
Through the use of software platforms and thanks to the partnership with GNS Global Navigation Solutions, SIRM ITALIA is able to offer value-added services to improve the efficiency of navigation and operations. Our data collection and analysis capabilities allow us to see every registered IMO ship in the world, using unique data collection and processing infrastructures. SIRM ITALIA provides customers with the GNS Voyager Fleet Insight software as a tool for access and consultation of the data produced, with different points of view for a different audience in the fields of shipping and ship management, chartering, equipment production, ship supplies, maintenance and insurance.
Through the Voyager ecosystem a simple and continuous possibility of information sharing between ship and land offices is enabled, through user-friendly consultation interfaces and with all the information at hand. The Voyager Fleet Insight solution offered by SIRM ITALIA also provides a single and precise version of the situation regarding navigation with which it is possible to make decisions and manage every eventuality with security.

Traditional model that provides for the purchase by paper or by publication with a pre-agreed price on request. The request can be sent to our Competence Center or managed through Voyager Fleet Insight, with approval of the purchase from the ground or with a ceiling on expenditure, to automate the process as much as possible.

The ideal solution to have a certainty of the annual budget, with a fixed annual fee for the whole fleet or for a single ship that includes only the charts or all the navigation products a ship needs. A unique model that makes the most of the global route analysis capability.

The ideal solution to have a certainty of the annual budget, with a fixed annual fee for the whole fleet or for a single ship that includes only the charts or all the navigation products a ship needs. A unique model that makes the most of the global route analysis capability.

The data revolution in the nautical charts and publications sector, with a new service model that offers everything you need for safe and efficient navigation at the lowest price on the market.
- Data analysis for fleet management from shore-based offices
- Complete suite of navigation software
- Cybersecurity
- Nautical Cards and Publications at cost price
Included in the offer: Voyager HUB + Voyager PLANNING STATION + Voyager FLEET INSIGHT
An integrated solution for all tools and services supporting safe and efficient navigation.
Better Compliance
Automation of Critical Tasks
Purchasing Efficiency
Data Sharing
The Voyager HUB is a very intuitive software, with a simple and modern user interface to ensure easy use of all navigation tools.
Cyber Safe
Through a dedicated link between the CLOUD deployment platform and the onboard PC, it ensures efficient protection against malware for complete security.
From navigation information and voyage planning tools, using your favorite weather service, to an easier way to manage cash on board, with Voyager HUB it’s easy to select the services you want and need and achieve incredible efficiency of use.
GNS VOYAGER PLANNING STATION migliora la produttività semplificando le attività di routine e riducendo il rischio di errori umani. Offre tutte le principali funzionalità per la gestione della rotta e della navigazione, rendendo la pianificazione del percorso da punto a punto semplice, economica e più efficiente.
VOYAGER PLANNING STATION è stato progettato unendo le competenze di esperti di navigazione e di UX (User Experience) con la finalità di rendere le cose complesse più semplici, ridurre il tempo per le attività ripetitive e migliorare la sicurezza. Dalla home page che vi dice quello che dovete sapere in un colpo d’occhio fino al più semplice aggiornamento ENC, pianificazione e ottimizzazione del percorso – Voyager è un piacere da usare.
VOYAGER PLANNING STATION consente agli utenti di gestire la conformità della MARPOL con le aree speciali individuate, le aree di controllo delle emissioni e le aree marine particolarmente sensibili. Dando la possibilità di visualizzare le aree aggiornate sotto MARPOL come una sovrapposizione su una mappa o una ENC dall’interno della stessa piattaforma.
A powerful fleet analysis and control platform with the ability to achieve maximum efficiency
Increased Compliance
Better control and coordination
Cost reduction
All the power of data
Una innovativa piattaforma di analisi e controllo delle performance della flotta, per analizzare e gestire le conformità della navigazione e i costi online. VFI nasce con l’obiettivo di avere un monitoraggio continuo delle navi, gestire la conformità di carte nautiche e pubblicazioni, visualizzare lo storico delle transazioni e ridurre i costi di navigazione.
VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT monitora ogni imbarcazione in tutto il mondo, offrendo strumenti integrati per la gestione delle operazioni mostrando a tutti gli utenti interessati
- le rotte seguite
- le miglia nautiche percorse
- l’analisi delle ore di navigazione
Tutte queste informazioni consentono di prevedere i costi in modo più accurato e contribuiscono a migliorare la pianificazione del budget e della manutenzione.
VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT offre un potente strumento per analizzare e rispettare i requisiti di conformità rispetto alle normative internazionali, ai requisiti di classe e di bandiera, riducendo i rischi di non conformità e eventuali penali.
VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT consente di ottimizzare la spesa per carte nautiche e pubblicazioni, evidenziando tutti gli sprechi e ottimizzando le licenze, riducendo i costi per una singola nave o per tutte la flotta.
Utilizzando VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT, tutti gli operatori all’interno della compagnia avranno una vista completa rispetto alle ispezioni PSC e il monitoraggi dei KPI di conformità.
Disponibile in due versioni:
- VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT Essentials – fornisce una serie di strumenti fondamentali per gestire gli acquisti di navigazione e la conformità.
- VOYAGER FLEET INSIGHT Navigation Management è il modo più semplice e completamente trasparente per gestire la navigazione online. Comprende il tracciamento delle imbarcazioni premium, l’analisi della spesa di navigazione, la funzione wall board e molto altro ancora.
Contact SIRM ITALIA Competence Center to find out immediately how to start saving on charts and electronic publications and to view an online demo to discover the features of the system.
Chiats and Publications
A complete range of traditional and digital solutions to ensure regulatory compliance and navigation safety, including the innovative “as a service” model.
Dedicated Softwares
A complete range of software on board ship and for the management of services in the company’s offices. Our goal is the safety and efficiency of navigation.
Continuous Support
Continuous support for on-board and shore staff, with a dedicated team of experts 24/7, for maximum availability of the navigation service. An integrated service without limits.
A range of solutions to give value to navigation services

FleetOnCloud Gateway
Multi-function and multi-channel device for centralized management of the network, on-board services and available satellite channels (primary and backup).

FleetOnCloud Operation
Integrated solution to safely and effectively manage fleet operations and capture the value generated by the data available on board

FleetProtect Cybersecurity
Solutions and systems for network security on board ship through a customized approach that takes into account systems, software, procedures and human factor.

FleetOnCloud CrewONE
Integrated solution to securely and effectively manage access to voice and data services for crew and passengers through a single Virtual Scratch Card