SIRM Italia is an independent supplier of VSAT solutions for the maritime sector (Maritime VSAT) and is able to offer a complete support to customers for design activities, choice of on-board hardware, identification of the best communication solution, installation and post-sales support for merchant & commercial, cruise & ferry, oil & gas, offshore and yachting.
SIRM has a consolidated experience in the field of VSAT services in the maritime field and offers customers a service model that maximizes the reliability and flexibility aspects, ensuring the customer the integrated management of the entire project in close collaboration with VSAT and airtime service providers. The portfolio of solutions includes, for the VSAT airtime component, regional and multi-regional coverage in KU and C-band, global coverage in KU and C-band, also SCPC, and the new HTS solutions in KA-band with the THOR7 satellite from Telenor and Inmarsat FleetXpres.
SIRM’s design approach ensures the customer the best VSAT satellite connectivity solution based on communication needs and available budget and the availability of international brand hardware products with global support.
Customers use SIRM Italia’s VSAT services for applications ranging from Internet access, to voice and video communications and for the remoteisation of ship parameters in shore based control and monitoring centres.
The FleetOnCloud Connect solution is SIRM ITALIA’s VSAT maritime managed solution to offer an integrated customer service with global or regional coverage and to ensure a constant connection to the data network for VPN, email, chart update and crew internet access services.
FleetOnCloud Connect combines the quality of communication services, thanks to SIRM ITALIA’s VSAT partner network, with a fixed monthly cost together with the excellent after-sales service, able to follow the customer and ensure a high continuity of service.
FleetOnCloud Connect offers an end-to-end solution fully managed by SIRM to best meet all the needs of satellite communication and connection of the ship to the broadband internet network.The different VSAT maritime service options, which can be customized according to the MIR and CIR that best suits the shipowner’s and the ship’s needs, can be combined with MSS backup solutions (Inmarsat Fleetbroadband or Iridium) or with the innovative Worldwide 3G mobile access solution, which offers a terrestrial broadband data network access service without roaming costs.

FleetOnCloud Connect consente di avere fino a 4 linee voce (con numerazione geografica), un CIR configurabile in relazione alle esigenza della compagnia ed un MIR fino a 8 Mbps, assicurando sempre un canale di comunicazione senza limiti di consumo, per rendere le applicazioni di business critiche sempre disponibili e con l’adeguata banda disponibile. Attraverso il FleetOnCloud ShipAccessGateway si avrà la possibilità di gestire la continuità di servizio, con il backup su altri canali di comunicazione disponibili in caso di indisponibilità del servizio VSAT, e di abilitare una serie di servizi a valore aggiunto, come il fleet management, la telemetria, l’accesso ad internet per il crew e i passeggeri.
FleetOnCloud CONNECT può essere utilizzato con una copertura regionale (in banda KU o KA) o globale (in banda KU). SIRM, grazie alle collaborazioni con I principali operatori del settore, è in grado di offrire una delle più estese coperture globali con sovrapposizione di beam satellitari in ogni area (4 in Europa), offrendo un servizio più efficiente ed in grado di superare i problemi di “angolo buio” dell’antenna.
Attualmente la nostra offerta si caratterizza per tre diversi livelli di copertura
- Copertura Globale VSAT KU
- Copertura Regionale VSAT KU per specifiche aree
- Copertura Regionale VSAT KA (mediterraneo esteso)
- Copertura Regionale o Globale VSAT in banda C
SIRM ITALIA, thanks to the consolidated partnership with the main world manufacturers, is able to offer VSAT antennas designed to meet the conditions of use in marine environment and with the most advanced technical features. SIRM ITALIA solutions can be requested using Intellian or Cobham antennas of the most suitable dimensions for the use of the system and the size of the boat. In case the VSAT antenna is already available on board, SIRM technicians are able to operate on equipment of the main brands, among which Orbit and KNS.
Unlimited broadband connection always-on up to 8Mbps with 1mt or 80cm VSAT marine antennas
Access to data and VoiP services (free of charge to the shipowner’s premises), for ship-to-shore communication and crew welfare services
Single monthly fee that also includes backup options, to keep communication costs under control;
Monthly fee including antenna and VSAT communication equipment availability and maintenance services
Access to the FleetOnCloud application ecosystem
Remote management of applications and services using the Smartbox OnBoard Cloud Gateway
SIRM ITALIA offers its customers :
- Solution engineering (VSAT airtime products and services)
- Sale or rental of communication equipment (VSAT antennas, Modem IDirect X5/X7, FBB Terminals, Iridium Thuraya)
- Managing main communication channel backup options
- Installation and configuration with a team of qualified professionals
- Selection of the best partners to ensure the availability of a robust and reliable network
- Customer services 24/7/365, through the Network Operation Center and worldwide support
- Integrated billing service for a clear and transparent invoice
- On-board IT management and ready-to-use cloud solutions
- Cybersecurity Management
A range of solutions to give value to satellite connectivity

FleetOnCloud Gateway
Multi-function and multi-channel device for centralized management of the network, on-board services and available satellite channels (primary and backup).

FleetOnCloud Operation
Integrated solution to safely and effectively manage fleet operations and capture the value generated by the data available on board

FleetProtect Cybersecurity
Solutions and systems for network security on board ship through a customized approach that takes into account systems, software, procedures and human factor.

FleetOnCloud CrewONE
Integrated solution to securely and effectively manage access to voice and data services for crew and passengers through a single Virtual Scratch Card
FLEETONCLOUD CONNECT – Hybrid VSAT/Cellular Solution
SIRM ITALIA completes its VSAT offering portfolio with the FleetOnCloud Connect Hybrid solution. This solution offers the possibility to realize a VSAT/FBB/Cellular hybrid communication network, thanks to the partnership with international operators, with a global service coverage and a single monthly fee based on monthly data allowance. Through the hybrid network, ships can connect to the terrestrial cellular network, up to a distance of 20/25Km from the coast and reach navigation speeds of over 20Mbps, with roaming with the main mobile operators worldwide. The service allows the on-board communication service to be significantly improved, while keeping costs under constant control.